Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy May Day (and a Bless'ed Beltane) To All

Today is considered the first day of Summer, and it is promising to be a gloriously warm (but not hot) sunny and breezy day here...

A small bonfire (perhaps tonight?)

Beltane is one of four important seasonal Gaelic festivals, along with Samhain (marking the beginning of Winter), Imbolc and Lughnasadh. In ancient times, people commonly observed this cross-quarter day with blazing bonfires and bright yellow flowers (most likely from the early-blooming Hawthorn tree). 

Yellow blossoms (in this case, kale)

Beginning at sunset on April 30 and ending at sunset on May 1, this day was spent appeasing the spirits and fairy folk with rituals that included visiting sacred springs and wells, decorating doors, windows and even cattle with garlands of yellow flowers and, in Merrie Olde Ireland, a thorny shrub was often adorned with ribbons, flowers and shells, transforming it into a May Bush.

Spirit Of the Night by John Grimshaw

The tradition of dancing around a tall May Pole festooned with ribbons has long been practiced by many cultures and, although its exact origins remain unknown and continue to be debated, it occurs to me (perhaps an old memory from beyond the veil?) that this activity could possibly trace its roots back to the May Bush ritual...

Raising of the May Pole at the Robin Hood Springtime Renaissance Faire

At any rate, this is a time of welcome warmth, new growth, mirth, and rebirth. I do so love the month of May...

"May it be" also a time of peace and prosperity for all living things.



Anonymous said...

Amen! And Happy (belated) May Day!

TJ Buckley said...

peace! and thanks!