Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Here A Duck, There A Duck

I saw this Mallard couple foraging in our back yard after some rain passed through here this afternoon.

"Domesticated ducks are descended from the Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), except the Muscovy Duck (Cairina moschata)." (

"The Duck is generally thought to be a symbol of resourcefulness. The Duck has the ability to walk, swim, fly and 'duck' under the water to feed or hide from predators. In both Chinese and Japanese culture, the Duck is a symbol of happiness and fidelity. When a duck and drake are together, it is a sign of happiness and beauty. The Duck is a symbol which joins the sea and the sky, according to Native American mythology."


Ducks are related to geese and swans, which we see here fairly regularly. I was happy to see these two taking their ease, away from traffic and (hopefully) predators, just walking through the grass until they came upon the pine tree where I try to keep the bird feeders filled and there's always some seed on the ground. After a while, they wandered off, probably headed toward the pond that I've never seen but I know exists behind our yard.

Be well, Mr. and Mrs. Mallard!



Anonymous said...

Do you think they have a nest nearby or were they just visiting?

TJ Buckley said...

well, there are usually some ducks (and sometimes geese) that hang out in the little pond that is hidden out behind the yard, so i think they might have a nest there, or perhaps they just dropped by on their way to the marsh... it's the lush grass that they love, and our back yard is very luxurious this time of year!