Tuesday, January 1, 2019

"New Year Vows Not To Repeat Itself"

Determined not to make any resolutions for 2019 - promises I promptly forget about and never make good on - today I am making myself actually DO some things that I'd like to continue doing throughout the new year.

In the clammy clutches of illness, I don't have the energy to do much, but at least I put some seed in the bird feeder today. This represents GIVING, which makes me feel good. It could be something as simple as feeding the birds, helping someone in need or doing my part to save our planet...

Next, I'm writing this blog post - that takes care of WRITING - because I want to finish at least one of my writing projects this year, maybe enter a writing contest or two, and do a bit more blogging than I have been. Did you know that it took J. K. Rowling five years to finish her first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (or Sorcerer's Stone, as it was called in the U.S.)? Then again, she wasn't a senior citizen when she started writing it, so I do have to pick up the pace a bit.

Finally, I want to fill up one box with things that are no longer useful to me, or that may be useful to someone else, which will be the start of  a year of ORGANIZING (i.e. reducing the clutter). 

That's it, those three things. As always, other goals will be added to the list, but the ones I'm thinking about today are at the top of that list. 

May the new year be everything you want it to be.