Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Follow Me On Etsy

I opened an Etsy shop recently. It certainly is taking up a fair amount of my time (but, I hope and think, in a good way...) and I am just pleased that I finally did what I said I'd do, after years of procrastination. 

I've sold several items - thank you, supportive friends - and I'm promoting Seven Sisters Art Ink here and on my Facebook page. 

I'm working on some new ideas for potential products, and adding new items every few days or so... like these paper bead earrings with semi-precious stone dangles (pink with amethyst, green with green aventurine and blue/gold with tiger's eye)...

... and lovely embellished post cards for St. Patrick's Day. 

In March, I'll offer some sparkly embellished Easter post cards...

... and other handcrafted items. I can also take orders from my web site (see link on the upper right of this page). Click on the square Etsy badge to see these and all the other listings. 

Livin' the dream... Etsy-style.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Cold Comfort

“I do not ask you much, I beg cold comfort; and you are so strait / And so 
ingrateful, you deny me that.” King John (William Shakespeare)

Ah, February! It's that month that looks so short and sweet on the calendar, with Saint Valentine's Day right in the center of it, but it tends to drag on and on, bringing very little comfort (cold comfort, indeed) as we stubbornly wait for Spring to arrive in March. And then, sometimes, even March disappoints us, with its relentless wind and cold rain and whatever else it has to hurl at us. 

"February is a suitable month for dying.  Everything around is dead, the trees black and frozen so that the appearance of green shoots two months hence seems preposterous, the ground hard and cold, the snow dirty, the winter hateful, hanging on too long." 
Anna Quindlen, One True Thing 

My friend Maddie passed away last year - in February - and we had to wait until April for the memorial service. She had hoped to be around until Spring, but she left a little early. Since this year has been so slow and cold and snowy, it made the one-year anniversary of her death that much sadder.

Being unemployed - losing what I now realize was merely a seasonal job for the holidays and not being sure if the other seasonal job will materialize in June - has also been a sobering reality.

One good thing, though, has come out of all this uncertainty... I did finally open my "shop" on Etsy - Seven Sisters Art Ink. It's already proving to be an adventure, but it's February... and it's slow going. Over the next few months, I hope to learn how to promote my wares, how to come up with products that people want and need, and how to feel good about being a "solopreneur" as I get used to the idea of what it means to be self-employed. 

Being a writer is also coming into play. I entered the writing contest, and I might enter a photography contest as well. I am working on my "value proposition" product line (something in book form) as I continue to focus on my Creative Purpose... but it's February, right? The sweet little month that lasts forever.

To visit my new Etsy shop, click the link below. As always, you can connect to my web site on the top upper right of this page.