Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Latest Obsession

This butterfly was resting on the flowering kale plants
Here's what I've been up to the past two days (in addition to teaching a class at work and attending a Nature Spirit workshop at the store):
Rock, moss and "tufts" by the stream near the house

I've been weeding and tending the area where I buried my sweet little Nancy, thinking I would plant many flowers and have some statues, etc. there

Nancy's cairn, down and to the right of our front door

Well, I started thinking about making a little "fairy garden" with a little "fairy house" tucked away and, now that I've been sort of researching them and thinking about how to go about making something that would look really natural (or, um, supernatural), well, now I just want to start making lots of them! I found some web sites and blogs by people who do this sort of thing for a living... and, while I don't intend to do that, I do find that I want to really focus on making things for this little garden and, while I'm at it, for other places, too, (but secretly, you know, sort of "stealth")

My first attempt - not natural at all, but I'll fix it up later

 I need to gather lots of twigs, bark, moss, pebbles, shells, leaves and things like that. I found many images to inspire me, showing tiny teepees (or, if you like, "tipis") and multi-level fairy mansions with winding stairs and verandas and hammocks and clotheslines and miniature garden tools and watering cans...

The possibilities are endless, and I have lots of ideas about what I want to do in my little pet cemetery!

Debris on the stone wall near our little stream
Hopefully, I'll have more to show you soon - it's late, I'm tired, and I have two days of work ahead of me before I head to the Renaissance Faire on Sunday: Huzzah!

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