Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fairy Garden & House: Phase Two

I went to the dollar store yesterday after work and there were all these little ceramic houses sitting on a shelf next to the check-out line - I've thought about buying them before, but I decided the time was now, so I got six of them (two or three different styles) and when I got home I created... THIS.
Two rubber frogs and a clear quartz crystal were added

A neglected flower pot that was sprouting some false carrot (otherwise known as Queen Anne's Lace) provided the place to build a little diorama featuring the ceramic house, some white stones for the front walk, tiny terra cotta flower pots I bought years ago (one has little clovers planted in it) and some other landscape features, including a quartz cluster, a golden rock that says "Believe" and some garden critters: two froggies and a flutter-bye.

Close-up of the little flowerpots and a boulder: "Believe."
It's so cute - the pot sits on a small pedestal right next to our front step. The ceramic houses are quite small - nothing like the ones I am hoping to make, which would be several inches high/wide/deep, perhaps even a foot or more - but they work very well for a "fairy garden in a pot" sort of thing, as would a small wooden birdhouse, I suppose.

Then there are the special touches: twig furniture, acorn dishes, whatever I can find to make the scene as "authentic" as possible.
I put up barriers to protect the fairy garden/cemetery from weed-whackers

I'm not sure why I am so caught up in this... I am just going to go with it and see what happens - perhaps I'll discover something important about myself... It's interesting, though, that there are two movies coming out that deal with the Snow White story ~ !
Illustration by Kate Greenaway (Dover clip art - free sample)

As for me, I still have children's books from my childhood and a few that I discovered as an adult: "The Hoogles and Alexander" (a wonderful story about a giant rabbit who takes two children to a magical world where they learn valuable lessons about life, love and friendship); several books of collected stories, nursery rhymes and fables, accompanied by wonderful old illustrations; the entire Harry Potter series; "The Spiderwick Field Guide of Magical Creatures"; "Eloise Goes to Paris"; "The Child's Book of Wonder"... and so on. 

Perhaps I need to go back in order to go forward!

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