Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Harvest Moon

Last night was a Harvest Moon

 and a waxing gibbous moon

 and a full moon in Pisces

 Now that's what I call a busy moon phase!

 I saw it as it was just clearing the tree line on my way home from work last night - it was the palest gold and quite large as it rose - later on, as it moved higher, it was exceptionally silver and bright - I wanted to stay up and stare at it, but I was dog-tired - my husband made a lovely dinner for us and we watched a movie - The Conspirator - excellent movie but I was so tired that I fell asleep a couple of times (courtroom drama will do that to me, on occasion) 
(This photo courtesy of EarthSky web site - see below)

 In the days before electricity, farmers counted on the lamp of the Harvest Moon to gather their crops. Making up for the autumn season’s waning daylight, the Harvest Moon faithfully provides several nights of dusk-till-dawn moonlight. This bonanza of moonlight remains the legacy of the Harvest Moon!

Just a short post this morning - have a nice week!

1 comment:

Jen Payne said...

Lovely sky-watching, my friend! Thanks for the info on the harvest moon - it was still up this morning when I started my day.