Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Birthday Series: Part Four (final)

It turned out to be a nice day after all (it started out cloudy, then the sun came out and it ended up being rather nice - a little humid and buggy but all in all pretty pleasant)

My friend Jen spent the majority of the afternoon here at the house... We snacked and sipped and laughed and actually touched on some serious topics, too - nice to share the day with a good friend, just taking it easy

Here are some birthday sentiments, courtesy of:

Inside every older person is a younger person - wondering what the hell happened.
- Cora Harvey Armstrong

Oh to be seventy again.
- Georges Clemenceau, upon seeing a pretty girl on his eightieth birthday

Old age isn't so bad when you consider the alternative.
- Maurice Chevalier

Getting old ain't for sissies.
- Bette Davis

When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it happened or not.
- Mark Twain

I'm at an age when my back goes out more than I do.
- Phyllis Diller

A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's
birthday but never remembers her age.
- Robert Frost

If I'd known I was going to live this long (100 years),
I'd have taken better care of myself.
- Ubie Blake

Men are like wine. Some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age.
- C.E.M. Joad

My birthday!--what a different sound
That word had in my youthful ears;
And how each time the day comes round,
Less and less white its mark appears.
- Thomas Moore

Age is a high price to pay for maturity.
- Tom Stoppard

If we could be twice young and twice old we could correct all our mistakes.
- Euripides

Growing old is like being increasingly penalized
for a crime you have not committed.
- Anthony Powell

I want to take this time to thank everyone for their good wishes and salutations marking this special day...

My mother and brother... my husband... my friends... my cats... and those who were here in spirit

Thanks a lot - let's do this again next year!!

1 comment:

Jen Payne said...

I will be there with bells on! And what a treat to spend it with you this year! Thanks!