Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Not Enough Time In The Day

No matter how I try to plan (and I am the worst at managing my time efficiently) I can never get everything done during one day off...

So I try to get a few things done and try to relax a little bit and just call it a draw

I have lots of topics I am determined to blog about but can't seem to get around to writing any of them down

So perhaps I need to focus more on what I want to achieve, especially since I'm looking down the hideous maw of another birthday...

Today, though, I did get my driver license renewed (take a look - it does say "driver license" not "driver's license") and I planted a few flowers and bought a few more to plant on Friday

I'll put the little flag out for Memorial Day on Monday (the local fife & drum corps will wake us up early in the morning - they march right past our house and have a little ceremony at the cemetery around the corner)

So let's try to enjoy our time off, get a few things done and relax for the rest of it - we deserve it!

1 comment:

Jen Payne said...

Sweet lovely photo of your flowers - is that Nancy I see there?

If you ask me, you do PLENTY with your time off. I am always envious of your days puttering about and the bits and pieces of fun you have, while I remained chained to this humming machine in front of me!