Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Yeah, Whatever

For whatever reason, Google's Blogger has changed the "comment" notation at the bottom of the post - now, instead of it reading "0 comments" it says "No comments" - so. whereas I used to feel sort of "eh" about no one commenting, now I can feel truly insignificant when I see no one has commented... again... for the millionth time.

Today isn't a great day - it's hot, the friend I had made plans to visit has cancelled on me, everyone else is off doing something with someone, my husband is working (the food service industry is alive and well) and it's ninety degrees and we have no air conditioning.

But I'm still soldiering on - things will be fine after a glass of wine (my back is still bothering me, but I refuse to let it get the upper hand).

Enjoy the fourth of July - Happy Birthday, America!

The ultimate "fireworks" display - a Space Shuttle launch (2008)

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