Friday, January 6, 2017

Before Daybreak

Going to sleep early has its consequences... like waking up during the night, looking out the window to see freshly fallen snow, and realizing it's all right to stay awake until it's time to go to work. So convinced am I that I am better off awake than asleep, I'm celebrating with a cup of coffee.

It's only a dusting, but more might come between now and sunrise... Maybe I'll even step outside and take a photograph of nature's magic trick.

A little while ago, as I was deciding not to try to go back to sleep, I saw a pop of light beside me... a small, bright white diamond flashed in the corner of my right eye - no sensation, other than mild surprise - and then it was gone... my own personal snowflake.


Was it an optical illusion, brought on by lack of sleep? A synapse in my brain sending me an urgent message that I cannot decipher? A sign from my beloved mother, telling me I should take better care of myself? Even now, I can feel the onset of a hot flash - that special gift to middle-aged women - and I have decided I might as well write, rather than worry about these (and other) things.

Why worry? It is a distraction that offers no reward, depletes the soul and starves the spirit. It is one thing to be cautious, but worry just spins us out of control and pushes us toward the sinkhole of despair.

Another winter scene - image: tjbg 2015

I will make more coffee, take a photograph of snow and see what this day may bring.

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