Monday, January 14, 2013

The After-Life Dream

Last night (or I should say, this morning) I dreamed I was at work, writing up a ticket for a customer (a man and his young son, as I recall - there was also a woman nearby) - there were some items that had been crossed out, so I had to do some recalculating - there was a problem with the lights, so it was sort of dark and it was taking me a very long time to finish my task - for some reason, Hoppy was up on the counter where I was working and I picked him up and put him on the floor - then, I asked the customers, "You saw the cat, right? The cat that was just up here on the counter?" - the woman said yes, she'd seen him and I said, "It's very strange because he died yesterday."

Hoppy - the silly old cat is gone but not forgotten

So even though he's gone, he's still with me - his memory lives on - he sits beside the rainbow bridge with all the others, waiting patiently for the others who will follow...


troutbirder said...

It is hard when we lose our pet companions. For me my dogs but each one a wonderful memory now...

TJ Buckley said...

thank you and you're right - lots of happy memories!