Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Good Day To Go "Earthing"

Today was so nice that, after a visit to the veterinarian this afternoon (Nancy's nearly 14 years old now and she's been having some health issues), she and I took a turn or two around the back yard, getting some much needed sunshine as we dipped our toes into the damp, green grass and shared some  quality time with Mother Earth.

According to the Earthing Institute (see link below):

Throughout time, we humans have strolled, sat, stood, and slept on the ground—the skin of our bodies touching the skin of the Earth—oblivious to the fact that such physical contact transfers natural electrical energy to the body.
Modern lifestyle has disconnected us from the Earth’s energy, making us more vulnerable to stress and illness.
Earthing is the landmark discovery that this energy upholds the electrical stability of our bodies and serves as a foundation for vitality and health.
In an age of rampant chronic disease, reconnecting with the Earth’s energy beneath our very feet provides a way back to better health.
We are bioelectrical beings living on an electrical planet.
The pursuit of scientific validation for Earthing began with Clint Ober's initial question in 1998 of whether direct connection with the Earth could have an impact on health and whether separation from the Earth―such as by wearing insulative shoes―could contribute to unwellness.
The research that followed has produced fascinating evidence demonstrating that Earthing generates a powerful and positive shift in the electrical state of the body and restores natural self-healing and self-regulating mechanisms.
We know that Earthing allows a transfer of electrons (the Earth’s natural, subtle energy) into the body. We know that inflammation is caused by free radicals and that free radicals are neutralized with electrons from any source. Electrons are the source of the neutralizing power of antioxidants.
In the Earthing studies, as well as the feedback from thousands of individuals who have grounded themselves, we have consistent evidence of people whose pain was reduced. Such reduction of pain is evidence (but not proof) that inflammation is reduced. However, the studies point clearly in that direction.
The institute hopes that evidence collected to date will inspire researchers with the financial resources to perform large studies to further clarify the benefits of Earthing.

Here's the book:

Here's the link:

I haven't read the book but I do believe my poor feet need to be free of shoes and socks whenever possible! And I think my ailing cat and I do need to feel the connection to our planet and absorb as much energy as we can to help recharge and rejuvenate our bodies and souls. I'll have to let you know if it helps us...

The last word is that we had a very nice day connecting to the Earth and with each other. I wish a few more loved ones could have joined us! Ah, well, another time, then... ?

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