Thursday, January 5, 2012

2011 : A Good Year for Blogging

I had decided not to blog today - and then I noticed the number of blogs I've posted since I started blogging here a few years ago. The first year (which started late, October, I think) I posted six times; the following year I didn't blog much - only a few more posts than the previous year - because I was too busy and not in the writing groove (I got married in Florida and moved back up north soon afterward); the next year I posted 22 times, which doesn't even average out to twice a month. Last year (drum roll, please) I blogged sixty (60!) times and I just want to say this about that: Either I had more to say... or more time to write... or more photos to post that needed words... *
Me and Jen a few years back...
(Have you ever noticed that, in photos with your friends, very often you are almost always in the same places, as we are here and again below? I'm usually on the left and she's on the right. Note to Self: Find out why! Or not...)  
*...but mostly I think I was inspired to blog a lot more by my prolific friend Jen, who has a wonderfully written, thought-provoking and insightful blog and who posts at least two or three times a week. I don't pretend to have a large readership here at BlogSpot, but if you happen to read this, here's a link to Jen's WordPress blog, Random Acts of Writing, where you can see her fabulous photographs & artwork and read her lovely thoughts & quotes: 

Me and Jen at a Renaissance Faire - Huzzah!