Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Latest Toy

I don't get to buy myself many toys - well, I don't count buying beads and findings and stones and crystals, although I probably should - but I am just really jazzed about this, so I'll share with you...

A FaceBook friend was sharing some photos he was calling his "Hipstamatic" prints - they were so colorful and vintage-looking - so I investigated and found out that there was an iPhone app called Hipstamatic for $1.99 and other cool add-on apps for $.99 - I learned how to redeem an iTunes gift card that my wonderful husband gave to me for our second anniversary (that was an adventure in itself) and eventually I was able to download the app plus one of the add-ons

I LOVE this app - it lets you play with the colors and the flash and the lens and - well, I only started taking pictures last night but already you can see how neat it is...

More about this in future posts - plus more about the cruise mentioned earlier when I get around to it - and more, I hope, about world events and creative attempts and life as we know it.

Love to you all, peace to the planet - TJBG

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