Friday, April 23, 2010

happy earth day (yesterday)

springtime/photo by tjgoogins 2010/all rights reserved

well, here they are, my little daffodils - pretty, aren't they? can't seem to fall asleep (it's 3 am) so i'll write a little bit

today (or, yesterday) was earth day (april 22) so it's fitting that i should post these flower photos in honor of our planet, good old Earth, the big blue marble, love it or leave it... oh, wait, can't do that, so let's love it and take care of it - i know, i know, it's not taking care of us, what with earthquakes and volcanoes and floods and tornadoes and blizzards and hurricanes and such - but that's how it is on planets with an active core of molten rock and stuff... at least it's nice the rest of the time!!

i went back to the place where i bought the cool postcards and i bought more!!! and they had put out lots of new ones that weren't there before!! oh, it was heaven! i mean, 10 cents each, how can i not splurge a little?? world war one posters and works of art by people i've never heard of, and abstract photographs... hmmm - maybe i'll scan a couple just to show you how much fun i'm having!

i'm also going to try to upload another image just as an experiment - it's from a clipart CD - just want to see if it will let me import it or not - anyway, that's it for the moment - more later

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