Monday, May 7, 2018

The Merry Month of May

Well, here we are again. Finally, it's May and the daffodils and other bulbs are still in bloom, along with various other glorious perennials. But the best thing of all about this time of year are seeing the trees preparing to get all leafy and green. We're still getting rain (yesterday was a real soaker) so the grass is growing and glowing, and the sun is warm and bright, yet the temperatures and humidity are very comfortable. This truly is my favorite time of year.

In addition to all of that, I will officially become a senior citizen this month. Although I can't relate to the concept of being an old person, I must admit that I am no longer young (physically); I am, however, still young at heart and I dress and behave accordingly. After all, I am a "boomer."

So far, May is shaping up nicely. I'm in the midst of planning a there-and-right-back-again trip with an "old" friend (and fellow Gemini) to visit our old stomping grounds, New York City. We'll take the train down to Penn Station and be tourists for a few hours, walking the still-familiar streets and avenues and taking in the sights and sounds of my favorite big city. 

This same friend and I have also decided to get our first tattoo together, although that will probably not happen in May but definitely this year, perhaps sometime during the summer. Later this month, closer to my actual birthday, I'm sure I'll be celebrating at home with champagne and cake.

May, with its signs of nature's rebirth and its celebration of life's renewal, offers Americans a myriad of holidays: in 2018 we have Star Wars Day (May 4 - "May The Fourth Be With You"), Cinco de Mayo (May 5), World Laughter Day (May 6), National Teacher Day (May 8), Mothers' Day (May 13), Armed Forces Day (May 19), World Turtle Day (May 23), National Brother Day (May 24) and Memorial Day (May 28). 

For me, though, May also brings a bit of melancholy. Yes, happy birthday to me and I'm forever grateful to my dear mother, but she's no longer here, which makes me very sad. All I can do to heal the wound is to find a way to honor her memory. I think I'll take my cue from nature and plant a beautiful tree, one that will grow tall and live for many years. 

And the Tree of Life tattoo I'm going to get will always remind me of it - and of her. Thank you, Mom... I'll love you forever and a day.

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