renaissance faire: dogs with wings/photo: tjgoogins 2010/all rights reserved
it's thursday, july 1 - this summer is going fast - it's been hot & humid up here in new england, and yet this morning it was a pleasantly cool fifty-five degrees - too soon, too soon will the days of summer be merely a moist memory
well, some new projects, some old - still hoping to make some headway with the upstairs hoard (will i ever be able to say "finally finished"?) i was looking through an old journal and there it was: "still trying to get the upstairs organized" and this was in 2003! we'd only lived here three years and it was already out of control! now, seven years later, it's much worse but at least i'm not bringing stuff home every day like i was before - not going to the thrift stores looking for treasures, not shopping at joann's fabrics (it closed) and buying things that never get used just because they were on sale, etc
otherwise, i've been trying to figure out how to make images stay on cookie glaze without them bleeding and becoming a big mess - i think my husband, the pastry chef, is right about freezing them - hopefully they won't sweat when they come to room temperature... finding more web sites every day, looking for interesting cookie & cake stencils, food colorings, etc - very exciting!!
will try another batch this week - want to try using edible transfer sheets made of rice flour or sugar or some such ingredient - that might solve many problems re: image degradation - more updates soon, plus i hope to unveil my plan for these sweet things!! but then again, nothing is certain - it may not be until pigs (why not dogs? or cows?) have wings!!!!
so, what shall i leave you with today?? perhaps this photo from the recent, much-heralded Ren faire - i hope the day treats you well - stay thirsty, my friends!
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