Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Zentangle Cats...


(in the tradition of T.S. Eliot's "The Song of the Jellicles")

Zentangle Cats are whirly and wavy.

Zentangle Cats like to sit in the sun.

Zentangle Cats love their grits and their gravy.

Zentangle Cats' bellies sway when they run.

(to be continued...)

Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Return of the Muse

When I write, I tend to visualize images and hear background music, like I'm watching a movie. It's exciting and motivating, but sometimes I think it keeps me from exploring the possibilities of actually writing the story because I get carried away by the possibilities of writing a movie script (which I don't know how to do properly).

But, when the Muse beckons, it's hard to resist her siren's song. It's quite bewitching to start writing something new, even if it's somewhere in the middle of your story line, and you realize that something is taking shape right before your eyes. 

Your characters begin to talk to each other, scenery appears and events unfold. An idea leads to another and before you know it, you are immersed in a world of your own making.

Some stories take a very long time to create; others spring to life and before you realize it, you've written 10,000 words. My problem is... I rarely finish anything.

When I was a journalist, I had to write, research and publish countless articles; most of them needed little or no editing, but when they did need a little make-over, I was fortunate to have really good editors. Personally, I've "written" 2 children's books, 2 Young Adult novels, a play/screenplay and various poems and essays (so far). 

The only one that's "finished" is a fantasy story-poem about one of my dead cats that I started writing a dozen years ago. That one is going to be published (with help from a friend) as a 'zine (a small 24-page booklet) that I'm also illustrating with rubber stamp art and paper cut-outs. I'm hoping to print 100 copies by the end of July 2024. 

I'm really looking forward to finishing something! Wish me luck - stay tuned for more!

Avoid Disappointment and Future Regret


Each of us arrives 

with an allotment of Time

How we use it is up to us

We can use it well or use it frivolously

This is not to say we cannot relax, or rest

Or do things simply for enjoyment's sake

But too much wasted Time is fuel for regret

We might regret we didn't achieve our dreams

Or we hesitated and missed having an experience

Or we put off seeing someone or saying something

But these become life lessons well learned

And regret will not change any bitter outcome

Only making amends, moving forward, and laughter

Can ease our regret, our disappointment, our grief

And bring us comfort, and closure, and contentment

Even, perhaps, a smile and hope for a happy ending

To know Peace in life as well as death

Is a precious thing to strive for, in all ways

We can never take Peace for granted

To have it, and maintain it, you must first create it

Within your heart, then share it with others

As you would share Love

With all the souls who need it

This is the best way to use the Time we have

Before our Time ends and is lost forever



Friday, February 23, 2024

For the Love of Everything

Music on the radio
Colors in the sky
I know I'll really miss it all
If and when I die.

Yes, I could live forever on
Just honey-butter bread, but
I'll miss the bees and butterflies
When I am finally dead.

The flowers and majestic trees
And sweets that make me choke
Old movies that can make me cry
I'll miss them when I croak.

The smell of toast and bacon
Or warm cinnamon buns
But all these things are left behind
The minute I'm all done.

To laugh out loud, to sing a song
A satisfying yawn
Refreshing swim, the smell of rain
They're history when I'm gone.

A garden full of radishes
The beauty of a rose
Perhaps they'd truly benefit
If I quickly decompose.

Releasing all my nutrients
I'd help the grass to grow
To feed a herd of mustangs
As I moulder down below.

Wild dogs could come and sniff me
The birds may drop some seed
The whales might sing or whistle
As my bones disperse like weeds.

It doesn't pay to whimper
I don't wish to complain
But I shall miss so many things
It causes me great pain.

So serve me tea and biscuits
I'll have that glass of wine
And give up everything I own
If I could turn back time.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Long Gone

Poppies - tjb

The coral-colored poppies

with their feathery fern-like leaves

are long gone

So are the purple coneflowers

that grew by the white picket fence

along with a black raspberry bush

where mockingbirds used to nest

The tall evergreen tree near the house

with its twin trunks

where I would hang the bird feeders

Trees - tjb

is now a vine-covered stump

And the row of slender maples

have been reduced to decaying piles of pulp

Gone, too, are the three giant pines 

that used to whisper in the wind

Even the little stream is clogged

and choked with weeds

The yarrow I planted has disappeared

No more morning glories

Good-bye, butterfly bush and flame lilies

Gone, all gone

because of men who arrive

armed with weed-whackers and lawnmowers

and ear-deafening leaf-blowers

and mechanical trimmers

The only thing left are lop-sided bushes

and a copse of tangled trees in the back

in the corner

and a few thrusting tulips

and some daring daffodils

and one little conifer who stands alone 

Miniature daffodils - tjb

not much taller than I am

The bittersweet is still there

and my comfrey, and sweet mugwort

It makes me mad

but mostly I'm sad

because I do not feel protected any more

No longer safe within the circle of life

that used to surround me

It's cold and it's bare

and I no longer care

to be here, living where

there is so little regard for the natural world

Nothing stays the same, nothing lasts forever...

only my memories

Bittersweet - tjb

Thursday, November 2, 2023

It All Sounds So Familiar


Nearly an entire year has passed me by and I haven't felt compelled to write a single blog... until now

Can my life really be so uneventful? Do I truly have nothing to say? Maybe, maybe not 

My sweet male cat died in October (I am heartbroken)... my brother came to visit me (I hadn't seen him in two years)... my employers are only scheduling me to work one day a week (with no explanation)... a long-time friend abruptly ended our friendship without warning (it was upsetting at the time, but now I'm grateful and I wish her well)... there is so much hostility in the world (people are dying)... 

But all is not lost -- well, except for a few pounds, which is a good thing -- and I am hoping to sell some jewelry or some possessions I no longer need (but that won't pay the bills)... I'm still trying to work on my stories, hoping to get something published...

And I am slowly getting organized (too slow, I'm afraid), trying to detach and get rid of some "stuff" I've "collected" over the years...there's too much and it's stressing me out...

I'm actually ashamed that I haven't done more with my life -- written a book, or a song, or created a unique work of art -- and yet...

I've helped friends in their time of need... I've given support to those who were sad or troubled... I've made someone laugh when they needed a lift... These are all things I want to do, and am always willing and able to do, without compensation... but mostly I want to leave a little something behind when it's time for me to go, and now that I'm older I realize I am literally running out of time... so here's a little rhyme about time... and space... and the meaning of Life

There isn't a tried-and-true road map for Life

The paths are all rocky and steep

But I will keep going, through trauma and strife

'Til the Cosmos sings me to sleep 

Oh, there's always something -- a means to an end --  

That we believe we're meant to do

Meaningful mysteries, mistakes to mend  

Life offers us puzzles, not clues

So raise up your glasses and sing me a song

Keep looking for your heart's desire

If I see you've fallen, I'll help you along

We'll all find a place by the fire

Peace Love Light 

Dedicated to my sweet boy, my dearest love, Copper...

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

My Life In A Nutshell


I used to be beautiful

Although I never thought of myself that way

I was tall and slender

With flawless skin and long dark hair

Born with a strong heart that murmurs

And no visible scars

I used to close my eyes and dream

About my fulfilling future life

But I often strayed from my intended path

Following every rocky road

Hoping to reach success

Only to stumble and fall

And crawl towards every detour

I was an actress

Then I was a writer and an artist

I was in love seven times

One is still my friend

Two have passed away

The last one is now my husband

I do not think too much about the others

I am much older and a little wiser now

Not as tall, with short rainbow hair 

Now my skin is scarred, my strong heart still murmurs

If I listen, what will I learn?

How to be truly happy...

How to heal my scars...

How to make the most of my life

Until it's time to move on

To become part of the earth and moss 

And hope the trees and stones will remember

How deeply I loved it all and how much I will miss this place