The writing is going pretty well... I'm going to three (THREE) local writers' groups and the feedback has been so wonderful and educational... I need to work on one story in particular in the hopes of sending it to a publisher or entering it in a contest... there are a couple of other ones that I'm also reevaluating and are in various stages of rewrites
Making the occasional jewelry item for the Etsy shop...
Trying to get organized (it's slow going, though) - we had a tag sale but didn't get rid of very much...
And continuing to lose a few pounds here and there - I found two pair of blue jeans (why do we call them a "pair" ?) that were too small and were supposed to go to Goodwill... but they fit me now!
One of my senior cats that I adopted more than a year ago passed away last week... now I have three (Tyler, Copper and Silver) - his former owner wanted his ashes so we had him cremated and I have one little bag of ashes and she has the other one... poor old guy, Bailey was not the easiest cat I've ever loved, but I gave him the best life I could...
Work is okay but it is also very depleting... but if I could only sell some stuff... or sell some more jewelry... or sell a story... life would be more fun!
So - here's to the end of summer and the beginning of fall and on to winter (not a big fan...)
Happy International Day of Peace!