photo by tjgoogins/2008/shuttle endeavor night launch/all rights reserved
so much for keeping up with my blog - how do people do it every day? well, things do come up and whoosh - time just flies off, leaving me tired and cranky...
but enough about regrets - lots to do, working on my project - actually, i am doing another project (a freebie!) for an organization that rescues abandoned animals - these people are so dedicated, it makes me feel like a super wimp - so i hope i can do some little something to help
and there are other projects, personal stuff... i'll save that for another day, tho
the prez made quite a speech tonight - i found myself feeling good about the future for a change, even though i realized i was being caught up in all the idealistic plans, but he is a good speaker and i thought tonight he finally found his true voice because it came across as totally sincere and seriously focused on the rough road ahead... his words were well chosen and well spoken - i thought he tried to reach out to everyone, equally, but i know some people just aren't ready to embrace his vision - however, if we could all work together on getting something done, we might be amazed at the results
oh well, i'm no pundit, so i'll stop this line of thought for now - anyway, please don't think this is a political blog, just thinking out loud about something that just happened a short time ago... in the meantime, i'll sign off and hope to post again before an entire month has passed! happy trails... tj