photo: tjgoogins/autumn field, connecticut/all rights reserved
well, it's november and the holidays approacheth...
"If we all made the same choices, we'd all just be robots." - T. J. Googins
the election is finally over & done with thank goodness - i want good things to happen for this country and we need to envision a brighter future - i don't know about you, but i want to work towards a greener future, not a dark-greasy-grimy "Terminator" future - so, who's with me???
oh - re: an earlier blog where i couldn't remember the name of the band responsible for the song "It's the end of the world as we know it" - i actually had to look it up - R.E.M., of course - i don't know, i think my mind is slipping - i used to have this knack of remembering the names of old movie stars and lots of other useless but entertaining trivia, but now i sometimes draw a blank - i guess it could be old-age brain drain - or Alzheimer's - or worse - but i think it's probably "caregiver stress" & insomnia - this sleep disorder just started happening to me over the past couple of years... post menapausal, perhaps? some nights are worse than others
ahhh, who knows? all i can do is try to eat more brain-fortifying foods, be less sedentary, watch less TV (which i've cut down on considerably), and just think & write & converse more (i really have to connect more with some old friends around here - i miss all that interaction) - but drinking warm/hot herbal tea, specifically valarian, really helps - and the valarian-mint tastes pretty good - so it's midnight and i'm off to the kitchen - more rambling another time
let's see, what shall i leave you with tonight? some comforting thoughts from more scintillating people...
A woman wears her
tears like jewelry.
~Author Unknown
Women deserve to have
more than twelve years
between the ages of
twenty-eight and
forty. ~ James Thurber
One is not born
a woman, one
becomes one.
~Simone de Beauvoir
Let us leave the
beautiful women
to men with no
~ Marcel Proust
Being a woman is of
special interest only
to aspiring male
transsexuals. To
actual women, it is
simply a good excuse
not to play football.
~ Fran Lebowitz
G' night, y'all - TJ